What if my child doesn't like to practice?


Many parents want their child to learn an instrument, but are apprehensive about making them practice. Very often music teachers hear the phrase, “I don’t want to force my child to do something they don’t want to do.” The biggest problem with this is that 99.99% of children don’t like to practice all that much. Young children don’t like doing their math homework, but we still make them do it. Kids don’t like to eat their vegetables or brush their teeth but we make them do it. Kids need to be pushed and reminded to practice their musical instrument on a regular basis.

Parenting smart, successful & well-adjusted children takes a tremendous amount of effort and time for parents. So we understand that the thought of adding another thing to the already busy daily schedule can be daunting, but it’s worth it.

Eventually children will take ownership of their own practice. They will learn to be self-motivated and won’t require as much input from parents. This initial investment in your kids will pay dividends down the road. One of the biggest benefits of learning to play a musical instrument is the self-discipline that comes along with regular practicing.